WNPL standards for placement

WNPL standards for placement


  • For a club to compete in the WNPL, at least 75% of its teams must be registered in PSPL leagues.  
  • Club DOC most hold a minimum United Soccer Coaches National Diploma or USSF C license.
  • Club DOC must ultimately hold either a USSF B license or a USC Advanced National diploma.
  • DOC must submit plan to attain the USSF B or Advanced National license within a reasonable amount of time.
  • Club must submit a club-wide player development curriculum to the league office for approval - ninety days from admittance to the WNPL.
  • A Club official must complete the United Soccer Coaches Director of Coaching diploma course. 
  • All WNPL Coaches must hold a minimum National Diploma, or can hold a USSF D License initially. But coaches must submit plan to league office that shows they will attain National Diploma within one  year.
  • All PSPL coaches below WNPL divisions are required to hold minmium soccer coaching diplomas or licenses certified by United Soccer Coaches or US Soccer Federation. 
  • WNPL clubs must provide its highest quality field (and field equipment) when hosting matches. 
  • WNPL clubs must supply a high level three-person referee crew when hosting matches. 
  • All WNPL clubs must use Ridgestar Referee scheduling and reporting system. 
  • By joining the WNPL league, clubs agree to league audits to ensure clubs are compliant or making good-faith effort to comply with WNPL standards.